During this episode, I’m pretty annoyed at the experience of doing therapy and I’m not shy about showing it. So I observe and describe what it feels like to do exposure therapy. In listening back to the main recording, I have an epiphany: part of what makes exposure so painful is that I’m judging my own thoughts as I’m having them. And like a bull in a China shop, I wreak a lot of havoc on myself without meaning to. Join me as I peel back the layers of my judgements.
Helpful resources from this episode:
DBT references:
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets – online pdf version;
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets – buy the manual from a Black-owned book store!
DBT handouts used in this episode:
Mindfulness Handout 5 – Taking Hold of Your Mind: “How” Skills;
- Nonjudgementally;
Emotion Regulation Handout 6 – Ways to Describe Emotions;
Distress Tolerance Handout 11 – Radical Acceptance;
Distress Tolerance Handout 15 – Mindfulness of Current Thoughts;
Other resources used in this episode:
Tiktok: video from @ayandastood
More resources are available at https://therapize.joygerhard.com/
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